ESG Alignment Matrix Top 3 Asset Managers Q2

Press Release 31 August 2021

Fundrella is happy to announce the Q2 2021 results of the ESG Alignment Matrix. The Matrix shows how well funds meet Nordic professional investors' ESG preferences, both in terms of processes as well as exclusions, across 40+ ESG parameters.

Top 3 Cross-border and Nordic asset managers that are most aligned with current Nordic Institutional and Wholesale ESG preferences as of end Q2 2021:

Q2 2021 Top 3 Asset Managers - ESG Alignment Matrix

Fundrella´s ESG Alignment Matrix

Asset Managers on Fundrella receive a granular matrix as part of their Quarterly Analytics Report, showing a break-down of the their level of alignment with Nordic professional investors' ESG preferences. The top 3 Cross Border and nordic asset managers' ranks are based on the average alignment for their funds on the platform and across all Fundrella users, i.e. professional investors.


Fundrella does not provide any third-party assessment. Fund companies have categorised their own funds in order to achieve the most correct categorisation. We let investors select their individual ESG preferences. The ESG Matrix calculates the % match between investors' preferences and fund companies' ESG features, based on Fundrella’s 40+ ESG parameters, across internal processes as well as exclusions and thresholds. Fundrella’s ESG Alignment Matrix allows asset managers to see how aligned their funds are with the ESG preferences of Fundrella users i.e., professional investors across the Nordics.

Get a 360 of the Nordic ESG landscape - quarterly

Would you like to find out how aligned you are with Nordic professional investors' ESG preferences and requirements?

Would you like to see how your funds are positioned amongst peers in terms of ESG work?

Would you like to find out how shortlisted, guided and unit link funds offered by Nordic distributors are looking in terms of ESG?

Stay updated on the Nordic ESG landscape with Fundrella´s Quarterly Analytics Report that is offered to all fund managers on the platform. Fundrella is happy to provide fund managers who are new to the platform with a preview of the Fundrella Analytics including the Fundrella ESG Alignment Matrix and competitor benchmarking to get a 360 degree understanding of the Nordic ESG landscape. Looking forward to connect


Fundrella has received pre-approval to publish names of asset managers listed in this article. This data is exclusive intellectual property of Fundrella. If used, Fundrella shall be referred to as owner. Fundrella August 2021. 
